Monday 1 February 2010

From the air...

Flying from Dubai to Uganda, I got my first viewing of Africa. I have to say that the views are stunning! God is such a great creator. It was interesting to see very sudden changes of landscape - arid plains, dried-up river beds, spectacular mountain ridges of the Ethiopian highlands and the lush, green landscapes of Uganda. I saw some villages scattered around which must have views to die for.

Contrastly, the vastness of the continent and weak travel infrastructure was clearly evident in places, and one can begin to understand that, should an emergency happen in one of those places, it would take a long time to receive help. They're the kind of barriers that MAF aircraft help to overcome.

The plane flew close to the border of Sudan. I was reminded of the decades of unrest and hardship in so many parts of that country. A sad paradox in my mind while I wached the great scenery passing by...