Twenty-five years is almost my lifetime. For the last quarter-century, Mission Aviation Fellowship has been flying help, hope and healing across one of the largest, least developed islands of the world. And Madagascar is grateful. The imminent arrival of our most distinguished guest is a warm affirmation of this.
A few more minutes and cameramen arrive. Low murmurings begin to hush. Then enters the Minister of Economy and Planning; General de Division Herilanto Raveloharison. All stand.
But today’s formalities are not stifling, they are honouring. It’s a privilege to be here. The Minister opens with a smile. ‘I am here as your friend, your colleague – as someone who has known you not as a Minister, because being a minister is a nomination which passes through sooner or later. But friendship – that lasts forever.’ What a testimony of MAF’s mission; physical healing, practical help and relationship with people.
This room is a living, breathing testimony – many partners old and new, gathering to celebrate God’s achievement through the joining of our hands.
Then a reflection from Proverbs three: By wisdom the LORD laid the earth’s foundations, by understanding he set the heavens in place. ‘Our God is great, He only does great things,’ the Minister reminds us. ‘And an organisation blessed with the Wisdom of God can only do great works. That is the blessing of MAF, and many other missions of which we are a part.’
Pastor Serge Razafitsambaina, a remarkable man of faith, has been serving Madagascar’s poor since before MAF’s arrival. He prayerfully proclaims that our God always keeps His promises. And MAF is part of that promise on this island. ‘New spiritual life is being born through the Gospel, and MAF is bringing hope to us who are working here, right where He has called us to be. People are hearing of a life that endures through Christ. And one day we will all enter His promised land.’
More reminders from grateful friends follow – days of driving and walking saved by MAF’s little plane;, gracious service of MAF staff; pioneering achievements through technology and aviation; the milestone achievement of 25 years.
Before vibrant buffet and cocktails, a short overview of MAF’s history in Madagascar from Programme Manager Bert Van den Bosch. Families that have come and go. Airstrips that have opened up life in remote areas. Aircraft that have flown hours of vital service. Thousands that have been reached with God’s love.
The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy (Psalm 126:3)
In this joy, the colourful throng of guests spill onto the patio and enjoy fellowship together. Colourful triangles of ‘bunting’ are strung around – each one carrying a personal message from MAF supporters in the UK. These festive decorations offer a reminder that today is a result of many prayerful hearts, open hands and generous gifts from around the world; joining together to make MAF’s work possible.
God’s Kingdom is extending across the globe, and so many have played a vital part. Those who are present share the joy of honouring one another today. But those who are not must also be celebrated for being obedient to God’s call. Thousands of missionaries, pastors, medics, volunteers and families, scattered across the globe serving the poor and downtrodden.
Twenty-five years on one island is a magnificent achievement – but today we are all sure there will be many more.